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发布时间:2014-09-24   点击次数:1733次
High Quality Products & Rapid Reliable Service 

宝生物工程 (大连) 有限公司 (大连Takara公司) 是由日本Takara Bio株式会社 (日本Takara公司) 在中国大连经济技术开发区投资兴建的日本独资企业。 
Takara BIO 株式会社以「立足科研开发,崇尚技术创新,追求无限可能」为经营理念,以生物工程为主导,立足生命科学、农业生物技术、医药科学等诸多领域,其产品畅销国际市场。大连TaKaRa公司成立于1993年8月,公司生产开发生物工程研究用试剂,有DNA限制酶、DNA修饰酶、各种基因工程操作试剂盒、PCR试剂盒等,还展开了DNA合成、DNA测序,全基因人工合成以及各种基因工程操作服务。 
Takara Biotechnology (Dalian) Co., Ltd. (Takara Dalian), located in Dalian Economic and Technical Development Zone, is a subsidiary of Takara BIO Inc.(TBI), the leading Japanese manufacturer of reagents for use in genetic engineering research. TaKaRa BIO Inc.’s products are much in demand around the world. 
TBI focuses on three major biotechnology-related fields : basic research, agriculture and medicine. The principle by which TBI operates is to harness the limitless potential for future growth through research discoveries and technological developments and thus maintain its prestigious leadership position in the global biotechnology market. TaKaRa Dalian’s products and services include production of restriction enzymes, modifying enzymes, molecular biology kits, PCR kits, provision of DNA synthesis and sequencing, chemical synthesis of full length gene and various genetic engineering services. 
’High Quality Products & Rapid Reliable Service’ are our shared values. Our mission is to be the premiere genetic products supply enterprise. Our distributors, present in over 20 Chinese cities, are ready to serve you at any time; TaKaRa is close at hand. We continue to pursue technological innovation, business expansion and improved customer services in keeping with this new genomic age.


上海桥星 All Copy Right 2013-2014
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